Trains to run again on line between Melton and Peterborough

Passengers at Melton railway station who have had to use a replacement bus service this month will soon be able to travel on trains again.
The damaged railway bridge which has curtailed train services between Melton and PeterboroughThe damaged railway bridge which has curtailed train services between Melton and Peterborough
The damaged railway bridge which has curtailed train services between Melton and Peterborough

Services have been curtailed since a lorry struck a bridge at Ketton, in Rutland, on Saturday November 5.

Workmen have been repairing the bridge since then and Network Rail announced this afternoon (Thursday) that trains would run on the line between Leicester and Peterborough, via Melton Mowbray, on Wednesday next week.

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Gary Walsh, East Midlands route director for Network Rail, said: “This has been a massive piece of work for our teams and I am pleased that the line between Leicester and Peterborough will fully reopen next Wednesday.

"The damage to the bridge at Ketton was substantial and we are very sorry for the impact this has caused.

“Our teams have worked hard to carry out these repairs as quickly as possible and I’d like to thank passengers and the local community for their patience.

" In the meantime, passengers should continue to check before they travel and drivers in the Oakham area should avoid the level crossings in the town wherever possible on Saturday.”

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John Robson, regional director East Midlands and East Anglia for CrossCountry, said: "We are looking forward to being able to run our services as normal again and are delighted with how efficient Network Rail have been to be able to reinstate services following the substantial impact the damage to the bridge has caused.

"We would like to echo Network Rail thanks to the local community and our customers for their patience."