Village WI group celebrates centenary with free events

Wymondham WI committee members planning their group's centenary celebrationsWymondham WI committee members planning their group's centenary celebrations
Wymondham WI committee members planning their group's centenary celebrations
Villagers at Wymondham will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of their Women’s Institute branch this week.

Free events are being held throughout the day, in the village hall, to mark the milestone for the organisation.

From 2pm to 4pm there will be a gathering with tea, coffee and cake served for an afternoon of friendly conversation.

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Then, at 7.30pm, the WI group is putting on a talk about fashion icon, Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel, with Julia Kinnear doing the presentation.

This evening talk is for over-16s only.

Wymondham WI is extending an invite to all women in the village to attend the centenary celebrations and they can also find out more about joining as members.

The group, which meets on the second Thursday of every month, at 7.30pm, at the village hall on Church Lane, posted on their Facebook page: “Put it in your diary, it's going to be a great day. You don't have to be a member to help us celebrate.”

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