Leicester City and Vardy's Melton party win the internet

Following Leicester City's against-all-odds winning of the English Premier League last night, Twitter went into meltdown. The classic underdog story captured the imaginations of people the world over.

Here’s 5 ways that the Foxes won the internet:

1) There were 5.5 million Tweets sent last night. This heat map visualises how the world reacted to the climax of the Leicester story. This transcended UK football, the conversation was truly global.

2) Leicester winning the league triggered an 86% increase in normal Twitter activity in the UK. Let that sink in... 86%

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3) There were as many Tweets mentioning the word ‘Party’ last night as there were at New Year 2016

4) Leicester’s victory Tweet became one of the most Retweeted sporting Tweets in Twitter history

5) We’ve put together a special tribute visualisation of Leicester’s victory Tweet, made out of congratulatory Tweets from fans around the world