Scalford HiFi Wigwam Show set to raise thousands for Cancer Research UK

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The HiFi Wigwam Show, an annual event for high-fidelity music lovers, returns on Sunday at Scalford Hall.

The show is unique because it brings together active hobbyists and the hi-fi trade to give visitors an opportunity to listen and buy equipment.

Senior moderator for HiFi Wigwam, Stephen Diggle, said: “Every March, online forum, HiFi Wigwam, holds a unique show at Scalford Hall.

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“What makes it so different, is that the hi-fi on show is transported by amateurs from all over the UK. Plus, visitors who come from all over Europe, can bring a vinyl record, CD, a download and hear it through some world class equipment.

“So if you’re still in the dark about the explosion of popularity in vinyl records, here’s the place to find out what it’s all about.”

The show will also include a charity raffle for Cancer Research UK, where the lucky winner will receive hi-fi equipment worth thousands of pounds.

Local radio station 103 The Eye will be broadcasting live from the show on 103.0 FM and there will be Park and Ride coaches to get visitors to the event from Melton.

Tickets are available from