Melton Police issue warning after spate of thefts from vans

Police in Melton, Rutland and Harborough are urging van drivers not to leave tools in their vehicles overnight.

Officers have issued the warning after 12 reports of thefts or attempted thefts from vans over the past two weeks.

Sergeant Bec Horsfall, dedicated neighbourhood sergeant for the Melton area, said: “We’ve received a number of reports from across the Melton, Harborough and Oakham areas so would encourage van owners to take precautions to reduce their chances of becoming a victim of this type of crime.

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“A few simple precautions can make all the difference. To help protect your property we recommend removing all tools from vehicles overnight, parking your vehicle in a garage if you have one and considering alarming the vehicle or fitting an internal security cage. If you park on a drive we recommend installing security lights.

“We’d also advise people to visibly mark their machinery and tools and, if possible, to park their vehicle close to a wall so the doors cannot be opened.”

Police are urging people to reporting any suspicious activity to them immediately by calling 101. For more crime prevention information visit